A battle of the boy band fans went down recently when 5 Seconds of Summer supporters had the balls to diss Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson during One Direction's set on the Where We Are tour.
One hater held up a sign demanding that Harry shampoo his hair. The nerve! When the curly-coiffed crooner saw the message, he surprised everyone and shed his cupcake image...for like two seconds.
Harry was rightfully offended and got all gangsta on the poor soul. After getting her attention, he yelled that he did, in fact, have shampoo that he obviously uses. His next move was badass. Before walking off, he pursed his lips together, threw his hands up and waved her off. Who knew he had it in him?!
Another sign read "Replace Louis with Luke," as in Luke Hemmings of 5SOS. Um, what kind of 5SOS fan does that make you if you want one of its members gone? Apparently, Louis either didn't notice the ridiculous note or didn't care to respond, which had some questioning the existence of the poster.
Regardless, fans were quick to defend him on Twitter and had #SmileLouis trending all day yesterday.
Here are some of our favorite tweets from fans sticking up for our dear Louis (the sass is real):
""Replace Louis with Luke"" How can you replace Gucci with Walmart ? #SmileLouis #nooffence
- S (@hxrrysgap) August 13, 2014
To the person who held that "Replace Louis" sign maybe you should replace your brain, it might just help a little. #smilelouis
- He followed me♡ (@Trena1607xoxo) August 13, 2014
This is actually so true so you need to remember who made you famous. #SmileLouis pic.twitter.com/e2IXMHv8TJ
- k | TOMORROW (@PayneInDaAzz) August 12, 2014
Moral of the story: Don't mess with 1D!