It's a confusing time, and it's easy to think you're mature enough to do what girls twice your age are doing. But if you're the 10-year-old daughter of Kevin Jones of Louisville, Kentucky, you better think twice.
When he found out his not-so-little girl Janiya (she's almost 6 feet tall!) was dating older boys and posting selfies, he reminded her - and the rest of the world - of her age by putting her on blast on Facebook.

Janiya does NOT look happy. But in a world of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom 1, 2, and 3, we applaud Kevin for paying attention to his young daughter and making sure she doesn't go down the wrong path.
The post currently has over 200,000 likes and 70,000 shares, with most comments praising Kevin. What do YOU think of Janiya's punishment? How would you feel if you were in her purple-laced, pink shoes?